Norwich International Airport (NWI)
Ground Transport and Car Parking

(Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK)

Some passengers with hotel reservations may be able to take advantage of free shuttles, but for everybody else, buses and taxis comprise the ground transportation options from Norwich Airport. Bus number X5, operated by First UK Bus, runs regularly between the airport and Norwich city centre.

Meanwhile, taxis are provided by the Norwich International Taxi Association, with cabs available from the rank situated next to the main terminal building.

General Parking Facilities

Car parks operated by the nationally known NCP company are available and offer options for both short-stay and long-stay parking. A short-stay facility with space for some 600 vehicles can be found right next to the terminal building, while a long-stay facility with 550 spaces is situated a little farther away, although is still within walking distance of the terminal.

Norwich Airport NWI

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